BigCommerce Stencil vs Blueprint: Why you should upgrade immediately

March 29, 2019
bigcommerce vs stencil

BigCommerce Stencil created a buzz among merchants who have their store set up on the same platform. With powerful theme integration and robust features, the new Stencil theming engine is a favorite among many.

Many online stores are migrating from their legacy Blueprint to the new Stencil theming engine.

A few things to note here are: one can easily transfer Blueprint theme components like categories, products/SKUs, product images, store-logo etc to the new Stencil theme.

Google Analytics will continue working with the new integrated theme.

Before we start doing the math between the two, lets clear some air concerning the new Stencil theme.

  • What will happen to the already existing categories?

Changing the themes will not affect the pre-existing categories. Merchant’s product catalog will stay unaffected and easily transferable.

  • What will happen to the products and SKUs?

According to BigCommerce, the store’s theme is simply a skin which gets applied to the underlying product catalog. This does not affect the product catalog when switching from Blueprint to Stencil.

Additionally, all the previous product SKUs get transferred easily when you switch to the new theme.

  • What about product descriptions and codes?

All the product codes and descriptions get transferred automatically and no changes are required when switching to the new theme.

  • Can someone switch back to the legacy Blueprint theme?

Yes, one can revert to the previously purchased Blueprint themes. However, as per BigCommerce, the Blueprint marketplace is no longer available.

  • What if someone needs help with advanced development?

There is more to Stencil than meets the eye. There are experts who work hard to dig out the latent powers of such themes. Editing in the visual editor does give anyone the ability to change their existing store theme, however, not digging deep into the untouched features robs one from core benefits of Stencil.

Taking help from experts and developers helps one leverage the potential of the new theme.

Benefits of the new Stencil theme

The current Stencil theme gives power to your hands, not literally, but yes. The new theme enables developers to design and practice the themes locally with complete access to all assets.

It is not a compulsion to switch from Blueprint to Stencil, one can obviously continue using the legacy theme. But hey, the world is moving forward; new improved features are being added every second. Stencil is definitely the future of BigCommerce.

  • Stencil offers 21 themes within which there are close to 83 variations.
  • By the time of its full release, Stencil is expected to have 160 variations up from Blueprint’s existing 58.
  • Stencil also provides industry-specific themes; a feature which Blueprint lacked.
  • In terms of speed, Stencil is faster compared to Blueprint. Stencil performs approximately 10-15% more efficiently compared to legacy Blueprint.
  • With a feature called BrowserSync, any changes that are made to the theme can be seen in real-time on tablets, phones, and computers. This is a clean sweep for the new Stencil theme.
  • Stencil themes are mobile-optimized checkout designed to scale down cart abandonment rates.

Stencil is the next generation of online store theme designs. Additionally, the backbone of Stencil’s code is written in a more crisp and brusque manner. The new code is much lean and efficient. Add to this the benefit of faster load time, Voila! Your SEO gets improved automatically.

BigCommerce Stencil vs. Blueprint

Feature Stencil Blueprint
Desktop performance 90 (Best in class) 79
Mobile performance 74 N/A
Allows buying the theme from 3rd party market ×
Cross-device preview ×
Fully responsive free and premium themes ×
Industry specific themes ×
Display the payment icons in footer Can be easily added with the visual theme editor Requires HTML/CSS customization
Adding GeoTrust SSL to store’s footer. Can be easily added with the visual theme editor Requires HTML/CSS customization
Adding “On Sale” buttons to your items or products. Available on all themes. Available on select themes only.
Adding trust seals on checkout page Can be easily added with the visual theme editor Requires HTML/CSS customization
Adding Google Analytics tracking code

Faster, better, enhanced, reinforced, efficient, and built to last the tests of time, BigCommerce Stencil changes the way we design and integrate our online stores.

Incorporate Stencil theme on your online store now

Need help with anything related to BigCommerce Stencil? Contact us or give us a call on 209-753-4470

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