Effective email marketing tips to increase your ecommerce store conversions

November 17, 2016
Email Marketing Tips

Inviting more visitors to your online store helps increasing the earnings of an ecommerce store. One of the reasons for consecutive success is customer retention. In order to increase the same your Estore needs to be in touch with the customer. To remind the consumers about you, you should adopt a method that can continuously pop up in front of the customer.

A very effective way to stay in contact with the consumers is email. To increase conversion rate, you can follow up with the users by sending a mail. As we have known the way to communicate with the customer offline also, a few aspects should be taken care of using the same. Down there are a couple of tips that can be followed to make your digital marketing much better.

  • Make the customers feel special
    How are you going to feel when the CEO of the company himself sends you an email? Definitely it will grasp your attention for a while and if not the whole, but you are going to read out at least half of the content for sure. So, always try to add the CEO name or some higher authorities name when using email marketing for online store.
  • Address the customers with their name
    Gaining customers trust and satisfaction is the key factor for any business and also for email marketing for online store (as we are talking about the email marketing). If you go to a shop to buy something and you are welcomed by the shopkeeper, you would definitely feel special. In the same way, if you address a person with his/ her name it gives a totally different feeling. The customer is more likely to read the content with his/her name than compared to the one without his name. So, you must try this tip from the ecommerce email marketing tips to increase conversion rate.
  • Use appropriate information
    It is one of the must follow ecommerce email marketing tips. Most of the people mark the promotional mails as spam to save their inbox from the junk mails. The promotional mails are considered junk as they contain inappropriate information. So, for an online store, it is advised not to create a newsletter (that is designed for ecommerce conversions) to add stuff that does not relate to the website. So, the synopsis is to use content that is truly informatics.
  • Segmentation is a smart move
    Would you ever like to read an email with a lot of sentences composed in a single box? No. It looks dull. For an online store there are a lot of options that can be departmentalized. For example you can make different blocks in an email for clothing, footwear, bags, etc. Also, offer blocks can be added to the mail that can straightaway link you to the Estore offer category.

    Using segmentation if a person has a plan to buy suppose a bag in the back of his/her mind than he/she will click on that segment to see if he/she can buy some and definitely it will result in ecommerce conversions.

  • Keep the email content short and sweet
    We all know the time we spend per mail and that too on a promotional mail. It is near about 6-7 seconds. So, we only have a few seconds to attract the customer to read out the whole content sent. Thus, try to keep the content short and informatics as whole page full of sentences is ignored by them.

    The content should be to the point. And in order to make the content to the point before composing the mail ask yourself a few questions like what is the email about and what response do you want out of it. It will definitely entice the customers leading to increase conversion rate.

The way of communication and the way you communicate matters when it comes to dealing with the customers. As we all are aware of the term “customer is king” used in digital marketing, we must make sure to walk on the same footprints. So, trying to entertain the king using the best approach is on the top of the priority list that can make your ecommerce store successful. Thus, carve the content of the mail in such a way that it can be liked by the customers. If you still lack the information contact us and check out our services for more details.

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