Checkout Tricks – Ask less to sell more

September 2, 2016
Checkout Tricks - Ask less to sell more

Checkout tricks- There are some tricks of this kind most retailer online do why because those simply work for them! The checkout process should be simple, to start with. What more? Recommending best checkout offers in the cart page have been known to create close to 10% of online sales. But then there are 3 main things you keep in mind for such designs of checkout pages in the Ecommerce stores,

  • Offers you recommend are to be placed below the products user has added to the cart & to relate to the cart items. Doesn’t it look funny when user is interested in soaps, has soap & shampoo in the cart but you recommend jewellery or shoes to him?
  • Offers you recommend must belong to a price category that’s quite reasonable. Do you make sense when the customer has shopped soaps & towels and you recommend him a huge shampoo tub costing 1000 or above?
  • Giving incentives to choose among the checkout offers is important; like “which recommendation fetches them which offer” has to be made clear; say adding Rs.500 more worth items to the Rs.1500 worth cart can give them an express delivery free of cost!
  • Not all customers are same and deserve the same, to be honest, so it’s good you have this segmentation designed for your online store, you may have a segment to pick out inactive customers who need a gear up so they get active enough to resume shopping. This adds to your ROI and you may integrate these segmentation outputs directly onto Facebook or Adwords so it all happens automatically at the right instant!
  • When you ask for addresses, make sure you show the customers a template that appears commonly on Govt. envelopes or so, so that people are familiar with what information to be filled. Making the zip code at the top and retrieving area details by ourselves rather than asking the users to fill is a winning practice seen!
  • Don’t you think there are algorithms to find out the credit card type when the customers input the credit card numbers? Then why ask for the type, still to the users? It’s always good to have credit card look ups; Visa, Amex, MasterCard all follow a particular series.
  • Why do you think we need to ask the customer if he is new or registered irrespective of what he is? The customer login information to the site contains his email address which could be looked upon the site database to find out the same. Isn’t it? If his email exists in db, the login page can be shown and if not then register!
  • Choosing the most inexpensive shipping option by default, can be incorporated in the site design itself. Check it out if you haven’t done yet!

For stores on hosted solutions, checkout customization may be challenging. You may create tickets with the host provider, or you may create a plugin on your own which some of the well-known ecommerce platforms provide ( by Magento, extensions by VirtueMart & so), or you may take up a self-hosted ecommerce solution!

We’re sure you now have a good idea on how well you could manage the ecommerce store design for checkout processes. Do you require assistance in facelift services to implement such streamlined processes in view of better conversions? Ask us now!

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