Gearing up for Labor Day marketing: 6 tips to get you started

July 21, 2017
Labor Day Marketing

Since labor day is around the corner, your ‘happy-go-lucky’ customers might be expecting biggest and best deals. This means you can increase your customer base and sales opportunities. As an online store owner, you need to make sure your Labor Day Marketing strategies are innovative and optimized according to the current market trends. Need some awesome ideas to make your Labor Day great delightful? We’ll show you how.

Tips to plan an awesome Labor Day marketing strategy

1. Deals and coupons

Steal deals are cute! Aren’t they? They can prove out to be a game changer. Target people who have already shopped with you by offering them attractive deals and coupons. Make the most of your email list. Along with this, you should promote your product on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. These social networking sites are the best for targeting a specific audience(not limited to people you follow).

2. Plan giveaways

Giveaways are surefire ways of attracting people’s attention be it at a retail store or online. You can hold contests and announce giveaways on the occasion of Labor Day. For example, if you are having an apparel store, you can hold a quiz contest and ask questions related to Labor Day. Announce whosoever wins, would get a small gift as a reward.


3. Clearance sales are cool!

Luckily Labor Day occurs in the beginning of autumn. This serves as a great opportunity to clear out your summer inventory with a clearance sale. You can start a campaign and promote it within your friends and family. Also, social media can multiply your reach to significant numbers. Invoke the emotions of your customers with attractive photographs and decorations. If you have been in the market for a while, use your previous photos to adjure a sense of nostalgia. For example, if you have a footwear store, offer your best quality shoes in the same. Similarly, if you are a phone case retailer, offer the most innovative phone cases which would tempt people to buy in a single click. The key here is to make your customers feel that they can’t do without availing your products and services.


4. Support the cause

Labor Day is the time when people sit back, relax and enjoy. This is why for many it is known as the ‘give back’ day. However, you can also get your e-store involved in celebrating this tradition. Donate a portion of the Labor Day for a noble cause. Let your customers know that for every purchase made, a percentage of the sales is going to charity. This way, your customers would realize that they, too, are supporting a noble cause by shopping with you. You can include a note on your website on the checkout page and a thank you message for their good deed.


5. How about a sidewalk sale?

Always remember an inter personal event creates a chance to put a name and face to your brand. Tie up with a local retail store to organize a sidewalk sale. Doing this would give a high volume of sales along with giving a buzz about your name. Also, if you’re looking to organize any such event, plan ahead to avoid any last minute casualties.


6. Affiliate marketing

Ever heard of affiliate marketing? It a great source of expanding your business. Partnering with another business can give a viable amount of customers. And more customer means more business! You can partner with a non-competitive business so that it becomes a win-win situation.


Labor Day is just not about celebrating people at work. It is also about giving back and welcoming the new season. Think from a buyer’s perspective- what would they like to purchase? Then prepare a full-proof plan that benefits you and your brand in the best possible manner. Make the most of the Labor day this year!

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